Science LAB_13
Over the last few years, Rosehill has been involved in a Whole School Science Project called Lab_13. The focus has been on Light and Dark and pupils have been encouraged to develop their curiosity through a range of activities. These include; Exploring objects on a Light Box, looking at different colours using the OHP, exploring torches, exploring UV objects and looking at paint under different lights. In 2018, students from Nottingham University brought to school an Inflativerse to Rosehill (a Giant Dome mimicking a night’s sky). All classes had the opportunity to explore the dome and many students were interested and engaged with the experience. All students have attended Science Lab_13 sessions on a weekly basis. At the end of the Christmas term, teachers chose two students from their class, who particularly engaged in the project, to continue. These pupils spent more time in Lab_13 developing their interest in scientific enquiry and building on their knowledge of light and dark to learn about Earth and Space.
Achievements/ Impact:
For further information about our Science Curriculum, please contact:
Ian Wolstenholme