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Caring About Learning, Learning About Caring

  • Our School Day

    Times of the School Day

    Our school building opens at 7am and closes at 6pm.

    Our telephone system is 24 hours for messages but opens at 8.00am and closes at 4.00pm for a direct line to reception.

    The school is open to pupils from 8.50am – 3.30pm. The children and young people can spend a total of 33 hours and 20 minutes in school each week.

    As a special school, where 68% of pupils arrive by transport on a staggered arrival and departure schedule, the average time children and young people spend in school each week, is 31 hours and 15 minutes.

    This has been arranged with Nottingham City Local Authority as the majority of pupils are escorted to and from the school by contracted transport. Not all pupils are eligible for Local authority transport (eligibility is decided by the Local Authority).

    If you have any questions regarding times of the school day, please contact our school office on 0115 9155815.